The OtoGame How to use
Please Touch Here is a sample data.
用語説明 Glossary of Terms
・画像データ Image data
It is the image file that contains the data for reading of music.
タイトル画面 Title Screen
・プレイ Play
タッチすると [プレイメニュー] が表示されます。
Using the image data, and plays the game.
[Play Menu] appears when you touch.
・設定 Setting
Change the size of the effect and drawing speed.
Please adjust if you want to fall treatment during the game.
In that case, please try the effect of the size [small] first.
・譜面作成 Making
Create the image data.
・Twitter Twitter
Search using the browser posts and image data to Twitter, the image data that was posted.
・音符アイコン Note icon
Allows to enable / disable the SE sound during play.
・English / Japanese
Switching of English / Japanese.
プレイメニュー Play Menu
・プレイ済み一覧 Play List
Select the data you want to display a list of image data that may have been read, to play.
・画像データ Image Data
Read the image data that is stored.
If data is read from a [OtoGame] folder other than, because they are copied to the [OtoGame] folder, and if it is not required, please delete the original data.
※重要 Important
When you load the same file of [OtoGame] folder other than because it is copied in a different file name, it is recommended that you remove the original data so as not to mistake.
画像データ選択後 After selecting the image data
From [Music], please set the music file.
From the difference of music files, please adjust the [Sound adjustment] if the shift occurs in the timing of the tap.
The next time, the setting will be loaded.
プレイ画面 Play screen
This is where the frame of red, green and blue at the bottom of the screen to touch.
Respectively, star above it, is the point of when to touch.
When the game ends, results are displayed, the best score will be saved.
譜面作成 Making
・ファイル FILE
Make the save / read / delete edit files.
・曲選択 MUSIC
And then select the music file you want to use.
・テスト TEST
play the data currently being created.
・メニュー MENU
1. 作成が完了したデータを画像ファイルにする。
2. プレイ速度の変更
3. 現在のフレーム(一番下のフレーム)に指定数のフレームを挿入。
4. 現在のフレーム(一番下のフレーム)から指定数のフレームを削除。
Can perform the following.
1. Image data to a file creation is complete.
2. Change the play speed
3. Insert the specified number of frames (frame at the bottom) of the current frame.
4. Delete the specified number of frames from the (frame at the bottom) of the current frame.
・記録(作成補助機能) REC(Assisted creation)
While still in effect, and then preview playback, touch the touch panel at the bottom of the screen, it will be added to the timeline in the SE that is selected in the timeline.
Twitter Twitter
ハッシュタグ「 #The音ゲーforAndroid 」 + 検索ワードでの検索結果をブラウザで表示します。
View it in your browser search results hash tag [ #OtoGameForAndroid ] + search word.
In addition, the hash tag is copied to the clipboard, please use at the time of posting.